Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Major Encyclical On Race In America

This is an encyclical I should never have had to write. I don't want to write this, but I have to. It concerns the state of race in this country. It also concerns James Earl Carter, former President and now a complete Jackass.

Jimmy Carter has stated that the reason people are against health care is because BHO is black and America is still racist. People are afraid of BHO because he is black and they are wondering where their country went. Jimmy also points to posters that portray BHO as Hitler as a sign of racism.

Where was Jimmy when they did this to George W Bush?

Where was Jimmy's outrage and disgust then?

James Earl Carter has now shown the world what many of us already knows. Not only was his Presidency the most flawed and the most inept in the history of this country, James Earl Carter himself was the biggest failure in the history of this country and is now the biggest racist, anti-semite and jackass this country has ever seen.

As stated previously, while I did not support most of Mr. Carter's policies as President, I felt that being a man of faith, he made decisions after much thought and prayer. I always felt that again, while I did not agree with most of his decisions, he always felt he was doing the best for this country. The handling of the hostages in Iran and the economy showed how inept he was, but I was willing to give him somewhat of a pass as I felt he was trying.

Now I know he was just plain brain dead.

This country elected a black man based on his promises and style. They believed in what he was selling and thought he would bring the change he was talking about. Although he was not properly vetted, they went ahead and voted for him because quite frankly, the other choice was weak.

There were also some, who voted based on his color. A large number of black Americans voted for him because he was their hope. After years of segregation and Jim Crow Laws, they finally had one of theirs to vote for, much like the Catholics had JFK. Another segment of white society voted for him to show they weren't racist and that we were a better country and they could show it by their vote. Both were wrong to vote on that basis.

You vote for someone based on their policies, visions and ideals, not based on the color of their skin. If you vote for someone for any other reason, whether you like their looks, or their hair style, the way they wear their suits or the way they speak, you have voted for the wrong reasons.

What Mr. Cater fails to mention is that without a majority of the "white" vote, BHO would not have been elected. His poll numbers and support from those who voted for him are down because of HIS policies and his decisions, not because of the color of his skin. Race is not playing a part in this.

The left is loosing and they are desperate. They are playing one of their last cards and it is the race card.

Where was Mr. Carter's outrage when the Clarence Thomas "High Tech Lynching" was going on? They couldn't attack him on his opinions or his judicial philosophy, so they attacked him personally.

That's the nature of the left, when they can't win an argument, they attack those making the argument. Saul Alinsky call your office.

The other day I was at a social function. There was an older black gentleman there, dressed sharply, who was telling me how tired he was from the day's activities. He had gone to Pittsburgh to the AFL-CIO convention to hear BHO speak. He was very upbeat and excited and not wanting to rain on his parade, I told him he must be very excited and then changed the conversation. During the night we talked and one thing that came out was that he was "arrested" about four or five years ago. "You know, it was one of a 'racial profiling' incidents" he told me. When pressed further, he told me it was a DUI arrest, but because it was racially motivated, they "made it go away. The judge saw right through it." Later in the night, I found out his birthdate and using the name on the name tag I ran a check of Commonwealth Judicial Records on the old MAC. Turns out the guy blew a 1.4! The judge in the case gave him ARD and fined him $1500. I don't care what color you are, you blow a 1.4 in this day and age and your ass is going to the pokey! Racial profiling had nothing to do with his arrest.

America is not a racist country. The left would like you to think it is, but it is not. Conservatives see the potential in each and every person, black, white, yellow or purple, it does not matter. If you are willing to work and willing to use your God given talents, you have the same opportunity as me or anyone else. Anyone can do anything in this country, you can achieve any station in life. You can be a doctor, lawyer, reporter, teacher, scientist, whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. There are no barriers that you or I cannot overcome.

If blacks and whites are honest with each other, the dirty little secret is that blacks now have the advantage over whites in education and the work place. A young black who has applied him or herself will be picked over a white student with the same grades simply because of their color. Many more slots are left open for black students in an effort to have racial "diversity." In the workplace, two candidates with similar education and experience, the black is more attractive to the employer as they "diversify" their workplace. In the past 25 years, more whites have experienced discrimination than blacks. Most whites won't talk about reverse discrimination for fear of being called racist.

The real problem is with the progressive base who champion affirmative action are the ones who are in actuality holding those who they say they are helping back. They are making them dependent instead of letting their talents and abilities propel them further than they could possibly imagine.

BHO's problems have nothing to do with race. Race does not even enter into the picture until the left makes it an issue. It is his policies and beliefs that people are starting to question. Those that voted for him are not starting to feel that they were deceived. This was not the change they voted for, this is not the change they had in mind and this is not the change they expected.

This is not BHO's fault. He did not deceive anyone. His views were out there, he opened up some during the campaign and if you listened, you knew what he believed in. BHO was as honest with the American people as he had to be. No more and no less. The major problem was with the media. They did not properly examine candidate BHO. They did not give him the proper vetting as they did all other candidate because THEY knew what he was selling and THEY believed in it.

To say that Americans are racist because they are now questioning BHO and his leadership is disingenuous. Americans are waking up to see what BHO and others in congress believe in and it does not match what their vision of the future should be. If you look at history, BHO is suffering from the same fate as another American President.

That President was James Earl Carter.

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